Final Exam Questions and Answers for The Luminous Life of Our Prophet Book

1. When prophet Muhammad,peace be upon Him, was leaving Medina to conquer Mecca, he saw a man coming towards Medna. Prophet Muhammad said to …………………“Just as my Prophethood is the last one, so is your migration the last one as well.”
Who is this person?
a. Hz. Ikrima ibn Abu Jahl
b. Hz. Khalid ibn Walid
c. Hz. Abbas
d. Hz.Ammar bin Yasir

2. Just as my Prophethood is the last one, so is your migration the last one as well.”
This compliment also signaled that ………
Which of the following cannot complete the sentence?
a. Mecca is going to be conquered
b. there would be no more reason to migrate
c. Mecca was going to become Muslim
d. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him will not return to Medina any more.

3. Just then the devil had come and was trying to dissuade …………. from faith; for one moment he had the idea of going round the surrounding tribes and gathering an army to attack the Messenger of Allah. But at that very moment a hand was placed on his shoulder: “Then Allah will humiliate you and we will triumph once again,” said the voice, as if hearing his innermost thoughts.
a. Khalid ibni Walid
b. Abu Sufyan
c. Hakim Bin Hizam
d. Abu Qatada ibn Rab

4…………………………… approached the Messenger of Allah and said he wanted to go to Mecca before them and give them the news of assurance and invite them to Islam. At first our beloved Prophet regarded this offer favorably and lent him his mule, but then said: “I fear that the Quraysh will mistreat him like the tribe of Thaqif mistreated Urwa ibn Masud,” and then changed his mind and asked his uncle to be called back.
a. Abu Tolib
b. Abbas
c. Hamzah
d. Hakim Bin Hizam

5. Although the majority preferred to wait and act according to how the events would unfold that day, people like ………………………..started preparations for resistance. They were saying: “We cannot let Muhammad enter Mecca just like that!” and were encouraging people to resist.
Which of the following is not one of the people who prepared to resist Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
a. Ikrima ibn Abu Jahl
b. Suhayl ibn Amr
c. Safwan ibn Umayya
d. Khalid ibni Walid

6. The conquest of Mecca was on Friday, the thirteenth day of……………………… .
a. Ramadan
b. Shawwal
c. Dhu al-Qadah
d. Dhu al-Hijjah

7. What was the camel’s name of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
a. Qitmiyr
b. Buroq
c. Marwah
d. Qaswa

8. Who was the poet who had composed and read a poem even before the conquest of Mecca—it was describing the way that the women of Qada would hit the necks of the horses with their scarves as they entered Mecca.
a. Qus bin Saida
b. Waraq ibn Nawfal
c. Arqam ibn Abi`l-Arqam
d. Hassan ibn Thabit

9. Where Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, visited first during the conquest of Mecca?
a. Grave of our mother Khadija
b. Ka’ba
c. His house
d. Cave Hira

10. After the conquest, Meccans were waiting for their punishment and prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “I will say to you today, like my brother ………….. said, ‘No reproach this day shall be on you. May God forgive you; indeed, He is the Most Merciful of the merciful,’ go all of you, you are all free!”
a. Musa
b. Joseph
c. Isa
d. Abu Bakr

11. After the conquest of Mecca, the Messenger had prayed his Prayers short because…………………
Which of the following cannot complete the sentence above?
a. He wasn’t intending to stay in Mecca
b. He was planning to establish authority and leave
c. He was planning to stay in Mecca
d. He was planning to return to Medina

12. Now, the Messenger of Allah’s destination was the Ka’ba. He was heading towards the place that the followers of Allah believed to be his twin! Then, the ……………. in Medina met the ……………………. in Mecca and our noble Prophet came to the Ka’ba.
Fill the gaps with the correct order of the words given below.
a. minbar, mihrab
b. minbar, mizan
c. mihrab, minbar
d. mizan, mihrab

13. The Christian Arabs of Damascus had written a letter to ………… to persuade him to take action against the blessed Messenger: “The person who claims to be a Prophet died, and his supporters are also dying from hunger. Their possessions are vanished, they have lost everything. If you have a wish to convert them to your religion, it is just the right time.” Meanwhile, the tribes of Lahm, Juzzam, Amila and Ghassanids revolted and announced that they would support the Byzantine forces if they were to attack the Muslims.
a. Shurahbil ibn Amr
b. Heraclius
c. Najashi
d. Chosroes (Khosrow Parviz)

14. At a time when the Sultan of Messengers was running on the battlefield he did not want to be sitting in Medina with women and children! The blessed Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, turned to him and said: “They are lying; I left you behind so that you may look after those left behind, my family and your family. Would you not want to be to me what Aaron was to Moses O ………….? It is true that there will not be another Prophet after me.”
a. Abu Bakr
b. Omar
c. Uthman
d. Ali

15. Which of the following is not correct about the Tebuk battle?
a. It was a battle where muslim and Byzantine army came face to face.
b. Some Jewish tribes of Jarba and Azruh came and accepted to pay jizya tax.
c. Khalid ibn Walid was ordered to take the king of Banu Kinda Ukaydar ibn Abd alMalik prisoner and then return.
d. The battle between Muslim army and the Byzantines didn’t happen at that time.

16. In ……………………….. years in which revelations poured like rain he had led a full life that could answer all kinds of questions that could possibly be faced till the end of time.
a. 10
b. 12
c. 23
d. 40

17. One of these following natural phenomena was not how the environment concealed the presence of Prophet Muhammad inside the cave from his enemy;
a. A spider had set to work and was weaving its web at the entrance of the cave
b. Two pigeons had come to nest at the entrance of the cave
c. A snake stood upright in front of the cave
d. A tree started to blossom and was acting as a curtain for our noble Prophet

18. How did the first gaze of the Messenger affect Suraqa and his horse while pursuing him;
a. The feet of the horse he was riding got stuck in the sand. He was also thrown away meters from his place. A cloud of smoke started to emerge from where he was last seen
b. A great cloud of dust rose from where he fell. The front feet of his horse stuck deeper and he was unable to get them out
c. He fell of his horse and injured his feet
d. His horse got stuck in the sand and it broke the legs

19. Prophet Muhammad gave Suraqa one of the prophetic glad tidings concerning his successful achievement in the future
a. The two jewelries of Chosroes of Persia
b. The two crowns of Chosroes of Persia
c. The two bracelets of Chosroes of Persia
d. The two necklaces of Chosroes of Persia

20. The Messenger arrived at Quba on
a. Monday, 5th of Rabi al-awwal
b. Monday, 6th of Rabi al-awwal
c. Monday, 7th of Rabi al-awwal
d. Monday, 8th of Rabi al-awwal

(1) Amr ibn Umayya to Negus the Abyssinian King
(2) Dihya ibn Khalifa to Heraclius the Emperor of Byzantine
(3) Abdullah ibn Hudzaifah to Khusraw II the Sassanian King of Persia
(4 Shuja ibn Wahab to the Muqawqis the Egyptian vigerent
(5) Hatib ibn Abi Balta’ah to Harith ibn Abi Shamir al-Ghassan the King of Damascus
Choose the correct pair of the ambassadors of the messenger and to which kingdom they were sent
a. 1,2,3
b. 3,4,5
c. 1,3,5
d. 2,3,4

22. Chose which statement is incorrect regarding what happened in the siege of Khaybar!
a. Banu Qurayza, Banu Qaynuqa, and Banu Nadir were the jewish tribes who resided inside the castle of Khaybar
b. Ali used a door to be his shield during the siege of Khaybar
c. Abu Bakr received the standard from the messenger as he fell ill
d. After the death of Sallam ibn Huqayq from the Khaybar side the battle became easier

23. How did The King of Tubba say regarding the fate of Abu Ayyub Khalid ibn Zayd Al-Ashari in the future
a. He decreed that the last Messenger should live in his house when he came to Medina
b. He predicted that he would one day be buried at the place where he was in the middle of the journey to conquer Costantinople
c. He would outlive the Messenger and witness the victory of Islam in the Umayyad Caliphate Era
d. He would be 80 the last time he joined the army of Islam

24. At the very first time upon the muhajirun arrival at Medina they faced some problems. Which statement was not part of the problem?
a. The housing problem for 180 new families
b. They needed a place where the believers could learn dan pray together
c. They needed some protections from the polytheist Meccans so they must forge an alliance with the locals
d. They needed to establish the foundations of a framework within which all ethnicities, religions, and tribes could live together

25. How many Jewish people resided at Medina
a. 30 % of the total population
b. 40 % of the total population
c. 50 % of the total population
d. 60 % of the total population

26. Consider the following statements:
i) paying ransom
ii) teaching 10 Muslims to read and write
iii) not to speak negatively about or against the Muslims.
iv) pay dhiyat or blood money
The following are the prisoner management solutions after the Battle of Badr:
a. i & iii
b. ii & iv
c. i, ii, iii
d. all statements are correct

27. Jewish groups left Quraysh to later come and provoke other Arab tribes to fight the Prophet at Khandaq
The polytheists of Quraysh behaved like cowards at the second battle of Uhud

a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

28. Banu Qurayza surrendered to the Muslims at Khandaq
Ahzab chose to retreat after trench warfare

a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship.
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

29. The Companions said: “We will perish” when they saw the Prophet making ablution after their U-turn at Hudaibiyah
The Companions were sad that they could not go on Umrah

a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

30. The following does not relate to the events of the baiatul ridwan:
a. The Prophet represented the allegiance of Usman, who was believed to have been martyred at the time, believing that if Usman had been around, he would have extended his hand as well.
b. After the allegiance, the Prophet promised the Companions who had sworn allegiance to him that they would be spared from hellfire in order to see their loyalty
c. Unfortunately, in a very sacred event such as Ridwan’s Baiat, there are always people who do not take part in this goodness
d. Suhayl bin Amr prepared the text of the Hudaibiyah treaty without knowing that they had sworn allegiance under a tree

31. Khalid bin Walid and others like him converted to Islam not only by divine grace but also by the wisdom of:
a. The peace after Hudaibiyah made the Quraysh who had previously solved problems by fighting to start thinking and contemplating
b. Walid bin Walid’s letter explaining what he felt when he entered Islam and the warm welcome from the Messenger of Allah who was waiting for the arrival of other Meccans to enter Islam
c. After defeat after defeat and the fall of Khaybar fort, there was no more power that could not be cracked by the courage and persistence of the Muslims.
d. The absence of polytheistic leaders due to death in battle made the voice of the Prophet more widely echoed throughout Arabia

32. Consider the following statements:
i) the appointment of a commander’s turn signifies the heroism of the Muslim army will sacrifice several martyrs
ii) the appointment of Sayidina Zaid signifies that anyone in Islam can fill any position, even a freed slave
iii) guarding words to keep the motivation of friends who had just returned from fighting
iv) After leading the troops at Mu’tah, Khalid bin Walid then pursued Shurahbil who had killed the envoy of the Prophet, Harith bin Umayr

Which is an event or lesson related to the Battle of Mu’tah is:
a. i & iii
b. ii & iv
c. i, ii, iii
d. all statements are true

33. Abu Sufyan left for Medina to extend the Treaty of Hudaibiyah
Abu Sufyan wanted to prevent the expansion of Islam into Mecca and its allies after the Treaty of Hudaibiyah ended

a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship.
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

34. The Companions who were welcomed by the Prophet as the last muhajir were:
a. Abbas ra
b. Abu Sufyan ra
c. Hakim bin Hizam ra
d. Usman bin Talhah ra

35. The thing that made Abu Sufyan even more convinced of Islam was:
a. The threat from the Prophet that Allah would defeat him again if he once again showed resistance
b. in the valley of Marr az Zahran, Abu Sufyan saw that the Muslim army had surrounded Mecca and there was no way out to escape
c. The Prophet said that all those who hid in Abu Sufyan’s house would be safe and this touched him deeply.
d. The Prophet promised him a large spoil of war in the next conquest

36. The following does not include what the Companions did during Fathul Mecca:
a. taking and carrying zamzam water
b. cleaning and washing the Kaaba
c. taking the jizyah
d. repeating takbir when the Prophet said takbir when he saw the Ka’bah

37. The next major event right after Fathul Mecca was:
a. The Battle of Hunain
b. The Battle of Mu’ta
c. War of Yamamah
d. War of Qadissiyah

38.In the Battle of Tabuk, the Prophet assigned Sayidina Ali to be the Prophet’s representative in Medina
The Messenger of Allah had assigned Sayidina Abu Bakr to lead the prayers and hold the banner of Islam

a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

39. Although in the Battle of Tabuk the Muslim army did not actually fight against the Byzantines, but they came out victorious
Heraclius eventually realized that Islam had arrived and flourished, so he chose not to fight the Prophet while being neutral before his clerics and viziers.
a. Statement is true, reason is true, both show cause and effect relationship
b. Statement is true, reason is true, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship
c. True statement and false reason
d. False statement and true reason

40. The time when the Hajj was performed under Islamic rules and the culture of jahiliyyah was completely eliminated occurred:
a. Fathul Mecca
b. Wada’ Hajj
c. 9th year of Hijri
d. Sayidina Ali’s speech at Jamrah before the Battle of Tabuk

41. One of these facts didn’t occur in the battle of Badr
a. Allah the Almighty sent Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Israfil with their armies of angels to fight the Meccans
b. The Caravan of the Meccans was destroyed therefore Abu Sufyan decided to join the battle
c. The messenger witnessed the very point in which each non-believer will be killed before the battle happened
d. The fourteen martyrs of Badr were the first chosen people to be granted the martyrdom through a battle

(1) The captives be freed in exchange for ransom money
(2) The captives must teach 10 muslims to read and write
(3) All the traitors were executed
(4) The captives were asked to not speak badly of Islam
(5) The captives were set free in exchange for nothing
Choose the right answer regarding the fate of the captives of Badr
a. 1,2,3
b. 3,4,5
c. 1,2,5
d. 1,2,4

43. Decide which assignment was incorrect in the battle of Uhud!
a. Zubayr ibn Awwam the leader of the cavalry
b. Mus’ab ibn Umayr the flag bearer
c. Ali ibn Abi Thalib the leader of the archers
d. Hamza ibn Abdul Muthalib the leader of the armies without the armors

44. Explain why did Ibn Qamiah believe that he killed the Messenger in the battle of Uhud!
a. He knew that he didn’t kill the messenger. He spread the rumor only to jeopardize the muslim armies
b. Mus’ab looked very much like the messenger when inside of his armor. So he looked for the messenger but found Mus’ab. He stood against him to fight. And Mus’ab was martyred
c. He saw with his very own eyes that he killed the messenger
d. One of his armies told him that he already killed the messenger for sure

45. What was the other name for the battle of the trench?
a. The battle of Ahzab
b. The battle of the second Badr
c. The battle of Khaybar
d. The battle of Yarmouk

46. One of these tribes didn’t participate in the battle of the trench
a. Banu Fazara
b. Banu Qainuqa
c. Banu Ashja
d. Banu Murra

47. Where did the messenger perform the middle prayer he had missed for the first time?
a. Khaybar
b. Thaif
c. Buthan
d. Medina

48. Decide which following reason is the most accurate to describe the victory of muslim armies in the battle of the trench!
a. The worries of the Meccans as they feared for the assasination played big part of their withdrawing
b. Allah sent the great wind and tents were flying in the air. The Meccans were fighting a great storm. All their war equipment were destroyed. So they decided to not pursue the war
c. The truthful Gabriel were sent by Allah to inform the muslim armies about what happened at the trench summarizing the real intentions of the parties who had been fighting
d. Each tribe who formed allies began to dissipate one by one

49. Who accompanied the messenger in the first attempt of umrah?
a. Aisha bint Abi Bakr
b. Hafsa bint Umar
c. Zaynab bint Jahsy
d. Umm Salama

50. “Labbayk Allahumma labbayk. Labbayka la sharika laka labbayk. Inna’l-hamda wa’nni’mata lak; wa’l-mulk la sharika lak,”
Define the meaning of the prayer above!
a. “Dear Lord, here I have come to Your presence. You have no partner. Thanks are due to You and all things are Yours.”
b. “The Messenger of Allah testifies that in the Day of Judgment you will also be martyrs in the eyes of Allah!”
c. “O my Gracious Lord! Show my people the rightful path! For they do not know,”
d. “O my Almighty Allah! If you are to destroy this mere handful of believers, then there will be no one left in this world to worship and glorify You!”

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